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I was born in Yangzhou, a city sitting at the north bank of Yangtze River for over 2,500 years. I was not interested in science at all but stochastically chose Atmospheric Sciences (climatology) as my college major at Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology. This unexpected initial perturbation even brought me to the U.S. for graduate school in 2015.


I am currently a 5th-year Ph.D. student studying Climate Dynamics at the University of Texas at Austin. I have been work on the dynamics and predictability of El Niño-Southern Oscillation under the supervision of Dr. Yuko Okumura.


The 'weather' of my daily working days is still stochastic, but I hope the more deterministic but still changing component, the 'climate' of my career, is a joyful choice forever!


Here is a copy of my CV (updated 02/2020).

Link to my University of Texas, Institute for Geophysics Profile.

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